Opt-in to the Victoria-South Island Long-term Care Initiative!

Welcome to the LTCI 

If you're a physician who's new to the LTCI community, welcome! Start here and find out how the LTCI supports physicians, what the provincial Best Practice Expectations (BPEs) are, and how to become a member. 

Hear Directly from LTC Physicians 

Hear why our physician members love working in LTC, how it has impacted their practice, and what they would say to anyone interested in getting involved with the LTCI.





Ready to join your colleagues and partner with the Vic-SI LTCI in making a difference in long-term care?

Want to enrich and energize your family practice while supporting the needs of a vulnerable patient population?

Let us know by calling or emailing our team, and we’ll provide one-on-one support to get you set up.

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