Physicians who opt-in to the LTCI are eligible for a variety of benefits and incentives - contact us to learn more!
LTCI supports its physician members by providing services and resources to enhance and streamline long-term care practice:
- Annual stipend – receive quarterly payments to meet best practice expectations
- After-hours coverage - for all residents in Victoria and Western communities, Saanich Peninsula, and Sooke, with the option to join the call group and receive quarterly payments
- Assistance, tools, and resources - to focus your long-term care practice with LTCI program team support
- LTCI Clinical Learning Series - opportunities for ongoing education and clinical skill development in the field of long-term care (CME accredited)
- Parking passes - for Island Health sites, and assured parking at other long-term care sites
- Fax-to-email services - for timely communications
- Billing optimization support - through the LTCI Billing Guide, workshops, and access to our billing consultant
- Shadowing sessions - shadow a long-term care physician in a care home (remuneration provided)
- Optimize and maintain long-term care in your community!

Remembering Dr. Thomas Bailey, 1951 - 2019. Tom was a truly exceptional man and an integral part of the LTC system. He held a big vision for excellence and saw the ‘long game' of our work in LTC - he embodied the notion of "gentle persistence, relentlessly applied” to making improvements in the system, with professionalism, wisdom, and humour.
Tom would have appreciated that this photo was chosen by our web designer at random as the most "doctor-y".