Research or QI Projects

Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)

Funding available: Varies

CIHR invests approximately $1 billion each year to support health research.

CIHR is comprised of 13 Institutes that set research priorities and support a broad spectrum of research in their respective areas. As the Government of Canada's health research investment agency, the CIHR supports excellence across all four pillars of health research: biomedical; clinical; health systems services; and population health.

Phone: 1-888-603-4178 (toll free)

Email: [email protected]

Canadian Nurses Foundation

Funding available: $5,000 USD

The Canadian Nurses Foundation provides seed funding to support pilot studies and research projects on nursing care issues that build research capacity and improve patient or client outcomes.

Phone: 1-844-204-0124 (toll free)

Email: [email protected]

CLEAR: Canadians for Leading Edge Alzheimer Research

Funding available: varies

Funding for Canadian researchers focusing on the cause, prevention and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative dementias. Click on the link below to learn about current and upcoming funding initiatives, what is required to qualify, and how to apply for grants.

Email: [email protected] (Attention: Dr. B. Lynn Beattie)

Eldercare Foundation

Eldercare’s mission to improve care and enhance quality of life for local seniors has never been more important, as the global pandemic has exposed several urgent needs for our elderly.

Grants for Staff and Students

  • Staff Education Fund
    • supports education sessions or projects that will benefit staff members or the facilities they work in. This award is specific to the facilities/ programs Eldercare directly supports in the Capital Regional District/Greater Victoria
  • Ruth A. Gardner Research Award
    • supports UVic graduate students who are undertaking a clinical or applied research project designed to enhance and advance care for individuals with chronic conditions who are aging
    • educational program may exist within a wide range of departments including, but not limited to: Education, Engineering (Assistive Technologies), Health Information Science, Medicine, Nursing, Psychology, Social Work or Sociology

Contact the Eldercare Foundation

Phone: (250) 370-5664

Email: Tania Fritz (Office Manager)

Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada

Funding available: awards vary in amount; $6 million in grants available

We push the boundaries of discovery and innovation to prevent, treat or better support those living with, or at risk of developing, heart conditions, stroke and related dementia.
Heart & Stroke funds research across the four themes defined by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), the federal research body: 1) basic biomedical, 2) clinical, 3) health services/systems research, and 4) social, cultural, environmental and population health research.

Phone: 1-888-473-4636 (general contact number)

Email: Use this contact form

Island Health

Funding available: awards vary in amount

Island Health’s research grant program aims to encourage new researchers, support current research, and raise awareness about research and knowledge translation across Island Health. Explore current funding opportunities, including Evidence-Into-Practice Awards, Seed Grants, and Catalyst Awards.

Email: Annie Moore (Research Education and Grant Facilitator)


Parkinson Society of Canada

Funding available: $10,000 - $300,000

Our program invests in funding early-stage investigators to help launch a career in Parkinson’s research, clinical fellowships to increase access to care by growing the number of qualified specialists, and new and novel ideas which otherwise may not get their start.

Phone: 1-800-565-3000

Email: [email protected]

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